2014년 8월 7일 목요일

Movie Review

Mao's Last Dancer

I watched a movie called "Mao's Last Dancer". I really liked it  a lot. 

"Mao's Last Dancer" is a movie that is based on a biography of a ballerina called Li Cuxin. The genre of this movie is a true story.
This movie also has a lot of impotatant characters:
   - Li Cuxin: A chinese boy who moved The main character of the movie.
   - Niang& Die: Mother and father of Li Cuxin.
   - Ben: Leader of a ballet association, and cares about Li Cuxin when he came to America. 
   - Teacher Chen: A teacher that helped Li Cuxin a lot when he was in Beijing.
   - Elizabeth: ex-wife of Li Cuxin. 

Li Cuxin lives in a poor province called Shangdong with his family. One day, he gets chosen to be a dancer, and he earns a chance to go to Beijing and learn ballet. He had hard days while learning ballet, he could not follow the class, and also he was always punished. However, one day, Teacher Chen told Li Cuxin a story, and this story has influenced him a lot to be a wonderful dancer. One day, when the Americanas came to see ballet, Li Cuxin was in his eyes. Li Cuxin went to America and had many shows and concerts and he had fun there. However, he had to go back to China because China was a country that had communism unlike America. He could not do what he only wanted. So he married with an American girl and stayed there. 

I really enjoy this movie. This movie showed me that everyone has hope. At the fist, Li Cuxin looked like he is hopeless because he could not follow the class students. However, he became very passionate about it and became the best dancer. I also really like teacher Chen. He was the person to give hope to a little boy by telling him a story and helping him to practice. If there was no teacher Chen, then I think that Li Cuxin would not success. I also think that Li Cuxin is very great and also had self confidence. It is because China was a Communist country, which means that the people there were not free, but Li Cuxin made a decision to live in America and not going back.  

If I rate this movie, I will give 4 stars out of 5. I would really like to recommend this movie to every one. This will be a good movie for all people in all ages because this is a real story and it might also give influences to you. 
Trailer of Mao's Last Dancer

댓글 2개:

  1. I enjoyed reading your movie review! Why did you give 4 out of 5 stars?:)
    You well divided the review into intro, body, and conclusion!
    I'm glad that you've got good influence after watching this movie.
    You did very well and keep up with good work:)
