2014년 8월 12일 화요일

Photo Essay

GLPS Summer Camp 2014

It had already been two weeks in the GLPS camp, which is in KMLA. 
KMLA is one of the best high scool in Korea. 
It was a glory to go to this camp and stay in KMLA. I will show seven pictures to introduce about it. I am  really enjoying and will be enjoying the days left in GLPS.
 Taking pictures are very good. It helps you to remember 
important moments of your life.

1. Dormitory 

It is the place that we live in. In one room, there are two rooms and a bathroom. The dormitory was better than what I thought about. It was very clean, and it was also very comfortable to live in. There are three people in each room, so it makes six people including me in a whole room. My roommates are all very kind ,and it is very fun to play and talk with them. In class time, sometimes I will think about going to the room quickly. It is because I want to talk about our day. :)
 2. Hills    
One of the hills
Because KMLA is on the mountain, there are a lot of hills, which makes everybody really tired. The picture shows one of the steep hills in KMLA. From the picture it might not look very steep because I took the picture up the hills, if you see the hill from the down part, it will look very steep. Most of the time, when we go up the hills or stairs, we will grab other person's back pack, and other will garb one others. It will be made in to a long train. It will be a easy time for the people who grab others. However, the fist person will be very tired and it may also be a very hard time to them because he is pulling everyone up the hills.  

3. The Buildings
 KMLA is a pretty big campus. There are a lot of buildings in here. The picture shows in Korean the signs of places where to go, and there is already a lot. There is gym, English Education Place, and also many other places. The first day I came here, I was scared that I would be list in the campus. I was because the campus was very big ans it also contained a lot of forests. For the first week, I followed the teacher to every place. However, now I think that I did not actually have to worry about anything! I just naturally knowing the geography of this campus!

4. Flowers 
There are a lot of flowers and trees in the campus, which also allows a lot of bees and other kinds of bugs to come. I do not like the insects.....They are all very big and disgusting........ However, I really enjoy looking at the flowers in the campus. :)

5. Building
 The picture shows the picture of the place where we have blog & writing class. This building is closest to our dormitory, so I like here the best. Also, this building looks like a traditional Korean building. It looks very cool. It is also different from other schools, other school's building are very normal different from this one. I really like this building. 

6. Plants& Flowers 
As I said in the front, I really like the flowers in the campus. There are many different kinds of flowers and they are all beautiful. Sometimes, my friends will put a flower and put it in their ear and do strange things. It is very funny. 

7. Classrooms
  The picture is the outside view of our blog & writing class. I like the classrooms and the building in KMLA. The buildings and classrooms are very unique, which makes it special from other schools.

I really like and enjoy my life in KMLA. There are many things that I learned, and there are also many new things that I saw. For example, I never saw a school buildings like this. It is very unique. After doing this project, I learned that taking pictures of your life is very  important. " A picture means a million words" ← I agree with this now. :) Pictures helps you to remember every single moment of your life. It might be an exiting moment, sad moment, and it might also be a sad moment. Remembering moments in your life is ★IMPORTANT★

2014년 8월 7일 목요일

Movie Review

Mao's Last Dancer

I watched a movie called "Mao's Last Dancer". I really liked it  a lot. 

"Mao's Last Dancer" is a movie that is based on a biography of a ballerina called Li Cuxin. The genre of this movie is a true story.
This movie also has a lot of impotatant characters:
   - Li Cuxin: A chinese boy who moved The main character of the movie.
   - Niang& Die: Mother and father of Li Cuxin.
   - Ben: Leader of a ballet association, and cares about Li Cuxin when he came to America. 
   - Teacher Chen: A teacher that helped Li Cuxin a lot when he was in Beijing.
   - Elizabeth: ex-wife of Li Cuxin. 

Li Cuxin lives in a poor province called Shangdong with his family. One day, he gets chosen to be a dancer, and he earns a chance to go to Beijing and learn ballet. He had hard days while learning ballet, he could not follow the class, and also he was always punished. However, one day, Teacher Chen told Li Cuxin a story, and this story has influenced him a lot to be a wonderful dancer. One day, when the Americanas came to see ballet, Li Cuxin was in his eyes. Li Cuxin went to America and had many shows and concerts and he had fun there. However, he had to go back to China because China was a country that had communism unlike America. He could not do what he only wanted. So he married with an American girl and stayed there. 

I really enjoy this movie. This movie showed me that everyone has hope. At the fist, Li Cuxin looked like he is hopeless because he could not follow the class students. However, he became very passionate about it and became the best dancer. I also really like teacher Chen. He was the person to give hope to a little boy by telling him a story and helping him to practice. If there was no teacher Chen, then I think that Li Cuxin would not success. I also think that Li Cuxin is very great and also had self confidence. It is because China was a Communist country, which means that the people there were not free, but Li Cuxin made a decision to live in America and not going back.  

If I rate this movie, I will give 4 stars out of 5. I would really like to recommend this movie to every one. This will be a good movie for all people in all ages because this is a real story and it might also give influences to you. 
Trailer of Mao's Last Dancer

2014년 8월 5일 화요일

Self Introduction

Hello, my name is Janny(홍재연), and I am going to introduce my self. 

Everyone has their own favorite things!   What is unique about myself :
   - Shanghai
   - Traveling
   - Big Bang

Three world that could describe me is Shanghai, traveling, and Big Bang. I do not live in Korea right now, I am living in Shanghai, a big city in China. I really like traveling, and I have also traveled to may kinds of places before. Big Bang is a very famous K pop group containing five members: G Dragon, TOP, TaeYang, Daeseong, and Seungri.
What people think about Shaghai
Unlike other students that live in Korea, I am living in Shanghai. Shanghai is a very big city that is in China. However, many Korean people thinks that China is very dirty and very poor. so if i say that I live in China, they will look at me in a weird looking facial expression and will say," is it good there?" These kinds of questions makes me not so happy. Some of the places in China are dirty, but Shanghai is one of the most developed city in China. 

I sometimes actually think Shanghai is actually a more developed country than Korea. It is because Shanghai has a lot of tall buildings and there are also more cars in there. The cars there are also expensive cars. I also really like the apartment of ours. It is very clean and there are many kinds of thing: tennis court, basketball court, swimming pool, health place, library, soccer field, squash court, and also may other things. I really enjoy living in Shanghai. I can see a lot of tall buildings that i could not see much in Korea. Many people that live in are in Shanghai are very rich. 

However, Shanghai is not always good. For example the air pollution in Shanghai is very severe. For about one week, everyone had to wear masks, and we did not have PE classes because we could not go out. There are too many factories in Shanghai ans I think those factories are causing the air to be dirty. At hat time not many people went out because they were afraid to breathe in the dirty airs in their lungs. Another bad thing about Shanghai is that the people in there are not very friendly. Everyone in Korea, they are very friendly and they always smiles. However, the workers in Shanghai, they look very angry all the time and they are very cold to us, as if they do not want to work. I really like the service and the people in Korea.:)

I really like to travel. Traveling is a very interesting because you can see knew things that you never saw before, and you can also learn new facts. I have traveled to many kinds of places before, but i will write about two places that I liked the most. 

     Saipan is a very small and a very beautiful island that belongs to America. This little island is next to another island called Guam. I did many kinds of interesting things in there. I did para-sailing, scuba diving, and snorkeling. The ocean at there is very pretty, the color of it is aqua blue. The ocean is to clean, I could even see the bottom of the ocean. 

Not only the ocean was pretty, the hotel that I stayed in was also very good! It is not just a hotel, it is a resort. So, there was a water playground in in the hotel which is is very interesting. There were so many scary and fun slides. it is very interesting. If you have any chance to travel, you really need to go to Saipan at least once. Saipan was really my favorite place to travel to!!!

      I went to Europe last summer vacation. I went to six countries, and one of my favorite country was Paris.I was very happy to see the Eiffel Tower that I only  looked n pictures before. I could not believe that I had really seen the Eiffel Tower. At the morning, the Sheffield Tower was not that pretty, but at night, when the lights on the tower goes on, it is so pretty. I even went up to the Eiffel Tower at the morning and took really pretty pictures up there. I think the Eiffel Tower at night is actually the prettiest. 

Big Bang
Big Bang is a very famous K pop group containing five members: G Dragon, TOP, TaeYang, Daeseong, and Seungri. They are my favorite Korean singers. Their songs are very good and most of them are very handsome. In my opinion, G dragon and TOP is the most handsome. Big Bang was a famous star for already many years. They had became a star in 2006.